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If you have changed your name or address and not informed your GP then please do not make a referral using this method until the GP has updated their system, please note you will also need your NHS Number.

Somerset is an NHS service providing a single point of access for all maternity referrals in the Somerset area. The aim is to make sure you have access to the right care from day one. Somerset will triage your referral based on the information you provide and the hospital will contact you to start your antenatal care. In the meantime if you are worried about your pregnancy, please tell your GP straight away.

Click here to inform the NHS of your pregnancy. It's quick and easy and just takes a couple of minutes.

If you are more than 6 weeks pregnant you can use this maternity referral form to tell us about your pregnancy.  Your pregnancy care will be provided by a team of midwives based on which GP surgery you are registered with. You can choose to birth your baby in hospital at either Yeovil or Musgrove Park Hospital, or at home, your midwife will discuss this with you during your appointments. Once you have submitted your self-referral you should receive a confirmation e-mail to let you know it has been received. If you wish to have your baby at another hospital please discuss this with your midwife at your booking appointment who can refer you to your chosen hospital where appropriate. Please be advised St Michaels in Bristol are not accepting out of area women unless it is clinically indicated due to capacity issues.

You can also use this to refer a pregnancy on behalf of a woman.