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If you have changed your name or address and not informed your GP then please do not make a referral using this method until the GP has updated their system, please note you will also need your NHS Number.

North Tees and Hartlepool is an NHS service providing a single point of access for all maternity referrals in the Peterlee, Hartlepool, Stockton and surrounding areas. The aim is to make sure you have access to the right care from day one. North Tees and Hartlepool will triage your referral based on the information you provide and the hospital will contact you to start your antenatal care. In the meantime if you are worried about your pregnancy, please tell your GP straight away.

Click here to inform the NHS of your pregnancy. It's quick and easy and just takes a couple of minutes.

Congratulations! Please tell us about your pregnancy by completing the online referral form and a member of our team will be contact. You have a choice as to where you receive your care and where you wish to have your baby. If you are assessed as low risk throughout your pregnancy, you have the opportunity to be cared for at the low risk Midwifery led unit in Hartlepool called the Rowan Suite. If you would prefer this option the chose the Rowan Team when asked for the preferred location of care on the online form. If you believe you are >20 weeks pregnant, please contact the community team urgently on the following contact numbers to arrange a booking appointment. Hartlepool Community 01429 522279, Peterlee Community 01429 522270 , Stockton Community 01642 383439/383440, Rowan Team 01429 522875. If in any doubt, please contact our advice line 01642 624239.

You can also use this to refer a pregnancy on behalf of a woman.